Explain GPRS for 2.5 G GSM and IS-136.
1 Answer
  • General Packet radio service is a packet based data network, which is well suited for non-real-time Internet usage, including retrieval of real time email, faxes and asymmetric web browsing where user downloads much more data than it upload on the Internet. GPRS supports multi-user network sharing of individual, radio channel and time-slot.

  • GPRS can support many more users than HSCSD, but in burst manner. The GPRS standard provides a packet network on dedicated GSM or IS-136 radio Channels. GPRS retains the original modulation formats specified in the original 2G TDMA standards, but uses completely redefined air interface in order to better handle packet data access.

  • When all 8 Time-slots of a GSM radio channels are dedicated to GPRS, an individual user able to achieve as much as 171.2 kbps.

  • Applications are required to provide their own error correction scheme as a part of the carried data payload in GPRS. Implementations of GPRS mainly requires the GSM operate to install new routers and internet gateways at the base station, along with the new software that redefines the base station air interface standard for GPRS channels and time slot. No new base station RF hardware is required.

  • The dedicated peak 21.4kbps per channel data rate specified by GPRS works well with both GSM and IS-136 has successfully been implemented.

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