Describe evolution for 2.5 G TDMA standards.
1 Answer

The 3 TDMA upgrade options include HSCSD, GPRS, EDGE.


  • High speed circuit switch data allows a single mobile user to the consecutive user timeslots in GSM standards.

  • Increase the available applicable data rate to 14.4 kbps.

  • HSCSD is ideal for dedicated streaming internet access or real-time interactive web sessions and simply requires the service provider to implement a software change at existing GSM base stations.


  • General packet radio service is a packet based data network which is well suited for non real time internet usage, including the retrieval of email, faxes & asymmetric web browsing where user downloads much more data than it uploads.

  • GPRS supports multi user network sharing of individual radio channel and time slots.

  • Requires operator to install new routers and internet gateways at base station along with new software. No new base station nad RF hardware is required.


  • EDGE which stands for Enhanced Data rates for GSM for Global Evolution is more advanced upgrade to the GSM standard and requires additional hardware and software at existing base stations.

  • It introduces a new digital modulation format, 8-PSK (Octal Phase Shift Keying) which is used in addition to GSM and GMSK modulation

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