Illustrate the implementation details of pipelined floating-point adder.

Mumbai University > Computer Engineering > Sem 8 > parallel and distributed systems

1 Answer

Software concept of distributing system :

To make a distributed system work, distributors based OS is required, They are of following two types :

  1. DOS (Distributor OS)

  2. NOS (Network OS)

Parameter DOS NOS
1) system Image It hides the complexity from the user & gives the view of virtual uniprocessor, system image is better than NOS. It doesn't hide complexity from user and gives it of multi processor, system image is bad
2) Autonomy Every machine should use same as due to some kind of dominators with same OS autonomy is bad. Every machine may use different as, autonomy is good
3) Fault tolerance If one MC fails it is easy to migrate the processes as everyone are using sources, It is good due to homogeneous failures Due to heterogeneous environment failure of are node it would not be easier to migrate the process, it is bad due to heterogeneous environment
4) Example Ubiquity Linux (apalic server) Ubiquity Linux window 200 ?

5) enter image description here

Middle ware : Neither NOS nor DOS qualifies as a good as and hence a middle ware is developed known as distributed computing environment.

It allows to use both the OS & extract the best features out of both the OS.

enter image description here

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