Draw SS7 protocol architecture and state the function of NSP of SS7.
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Function of NSP:-

Network Service Part of SS7: The NSP provides ISDN with a highly reliable and efficient means of exchanging traffic using connectionless services. The NSP consists of Message transfer Part(MTP), Signaling Connection Control Part(SCCP).

i. The control messages are routed through the network for different functions such as set up, maintenance management, termination etc.

ii. The control signling is implemented using the packet switching technology network (PSTN).

ii. the mode used is associated channel mode but the use of disassociated mode is also possible.

The function of MTP is to ensure that signaling traffic can be transferred and delivered reliably between the end-users and the network.

Signaling data link functions (MTP Level 1): This level provide an interface to the actual physical channel (copper wire, fiber, satellite link etc) over which communication takes place.

Signaling link function (MTP Level 2): It provides a wide range of error detection and correction features.

Signaling Network Function (MTP Level 3): Provides procedure that transfer message between signaling nodes. It has two functions namely, Signaling Message Handling(SMH) and Signaling Network Management(SNM). SMH is used to provide routing, distribution and traffic discrimination.

Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP): The SCCP provides enhancement to the addressing capabilities provided by the MTP. MAHARASHTRA

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