Write the important features of GSM and state the services offered by GSM. OR State the various services offered by GSM system.


State the various services offered by GSM standard. Describe these services in detail

1 Answer
Sr. No. Parameter Specification
1 Reverse Channel Frequency 890-915 MHz
2 Forward Channel Frequency 935-960
3 ARFCN Number 0 to 124 and 975 to 1023
4 Tx/Rx Frequency Spacing 45 MHz
5 Tx/Rx Time slot Spacing 3 Time slots
6 Modulation Data rate 270.8333 kbps
7 Frame Period 4.615ms
8 User per Frame (Full rate) 8
9 Time Slot Period 576.9s
10 Bit Period 3.692 s
11 Modulation 0.3 GMSK
12 ARFCN Channel Spacing 200 kHz
13 Interleaving (Max. Delay) 40
14 Voice Coder Bit Rate 13.4 kbps

The services offered by GSM

Telephone Services:

Teleservices include 1. Standard mobile telephone

  1. Mobile-originated

  2. Base-originated traffic

  3. emergency calling

  4. Fax

  5. Videotext

  6. Tele text

  7. SMS

  8. MMS.

Supplementary ISDN services:

This service are digital in nature and include

  1. Call diversion

  2. Caller line ID

  3. Closed user group

  4. Call barring

  5. Call waiting

  6. Call hold

  7. Connected line ID

  8. Multiparty (Teleconferencing)

  9. Call charge advice

This service also include the Short Messaging Service (SMS) which allow SM subscriber and BS to transmit alphanumeric pages of limited length (160 -7 ASCII characters) while simultaneously carrying normal voice traffic.

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