written 6.0 years ago by
★ 69k
modified 5.9 years ago
When a mobile moves into a different cell while a conversation is in progress, the MSC
automatically transfers the call to a new channel belonging to the new base station. This
process of transferring call to a new base station is called as Hand off.
Types of Hand off
- Mobile Assisted Hand off
- Intersystem Hand off
- Delayed Handoff (Two level Hand off)
- Queued Handoff
- Hard hand off
- Soft hand off
- Inter system handoff
Hand off Process:
- The term hand-off does not mean a physical change in the assigned channel but rather
than a different base station handles the radio communication task.
- Hand-off is a process of automatically transferring the call to a new frequency channel
belonging to a new base station, when the cellular mobile phone moves into a different
frequency zone so that the conversation can be continued in a new frequency zone
without dialing.
- The processing of hand-off is an important task in a cellular telephone system.
- In the hand-off strategies higher priority is given to the hand-off request than the call
initiation request in the cellular system.
- The procedure of hand-off should be performed successfully and it should not be
repeated frequently.
- The system designers must specify the optimum signal level at which the hand-off is to
be initiated.
- The minimum signal level $ Pr_{minimum}$ is first decided for maintaining the call. Then the
slightly stronger signal levels used as a hand-off $ Pr_{threshold}$ threshold for maintaining the
The difference between these two levels of the signal is denoted by a symbol delta, $\Delta$ and
it is given by,
$\Delta$= $Pr, _{threshold}- Pr,_{minimum}$
As the value of delta is very critical, it should not be too small or too large.
- If the value of delta is too small, then the call may lost due to weak signal and if the value
of delta is too large ,then unnecessary hand-off may take place at any time.
- Before initiating the hand-off, it is always necessary to ensure that the reduction in the
measured signal level is not due to the momentary signal fading and that the mobile is
actually moving