Write a short note on the evolution of radio mobile communications.
1 Answer
  • In the last few decades, Mobile Wireless Communication networks have experienced a tremendous change.

  • The cellular wireless Generation(G) generally refers to a change in the nature of the system, speed, technology and frequency. Each generation have some standards, capacities, techniques and new features which differentiate it from the previous one.

  • The first handheld mobile cell phone was demonstrated by Motorola in1973.The 1st commercial automated cellular network was launched by NTT in Japan in 1979, followed by the launch of Nordic Mobile Telephone(NMT) system in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, in 1981.After this begins the development in generations for mobile wireless communication.

  • The first generation(1G) mobile wireless communication network was analog used for voice calls only. The second generation(2G) is a digital technology and supports text messaging.

  • After this was 3G which provided multimedia support along with higher data transmission rates and increased capacity.

  • The fourth generation(4G) integrates 3G with fixed internet to support wireless mobile internet, which is an evolution to overcome the limitations of 3G and also raises the QoS, increases the bandwidth and reduces the cost of resources.

  • The 5G brings forward a real wireless world-Wireless World Wide Web (www) while 6G is proposed to integrate 5G with satellite networks for global coverage. 7G deals with space roaming

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