What are different clock distribution schemes? Explain concept of Global and Local clock.

Subject: Basic VLSI Design

Topic: VLSI Clocking and System Design

Difficulty: Medium

1 Answer
  • It is always desirable to distribute clock signal over the chip area with a uniform delay.
  • In order to handle high fan-out loads, the clock signals must be buffered in multiple stages.
  • It is also important that every buffer stage drives the same number of fanout gate so that clock delays are always buffered.
  • The figure below shows buffered clock distribution tree.

  • Buffers amplify degraded clock signal. Due to variation of active device characteristics buffers are primary source of clock skew for a well balanced clock tree.

  • Buffers provide sufficient currents to drive the network capacitance and maintain high quality clock waveforms.

Symmetric H-tree clock distribution network:

  • The figure below shows general layout of H-tree clock distribution network.
  • Input is applied at center of H and outputs are taken on the tips of H.
  • Since the distance from center to all the branch points is same, the signal delay is same.

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