With the aid of a sketch, explain the PPI Radar indicator.
1 Answer

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Plan-Position indicator (PPI):

  • This is an intensity- modulation type displays system which indicates both range and azimuth angle of the target simultaneously in polar co-ordinate as shown in figure.
  • The Demodulated echo signals from the receivers is applied to the grid of the CRT which is biased slightly beyond cutoff.
  • Only when Blips corresponding to the targets occur, a saw tooth current applied to a pair of coils(on opposite side of the neck of the tube) flows.
  • Thus, a beam is made to deflect radially outward from the center and also continuously around the tube(mechanically) at the same angular velocity as that of the antenna.
  • The brightness spot at any point on the screen indicates the presence of an object there.
  • Normally PPI screens are circular with a diameter of 30cm or 40cm. Long persistence phosphors are used to ensure that the PPI screen dose not flicker.
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