Describe function of hybrid Tee with neat diagram. (E and H plane or Magic Tee) OR Draw the neat sketch of hybrid junction, illustrate its properties.
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Magic tee (or magic T or hybrid tee) :

  • The magic tee is a combination of E and H plane tees.
  • Arm 3 forms an H-plane tee with arms 1 and 2.
  • Arm 4 forms an E-plane tee with arms 1 and 2.
  • Arms 1 and 2 are sometimes called the side or collinear arms.
  • Port 3 is called the H-plane port, and is also called the Σ port, sum port or the P-port (for "parallel").
  • Port 4 is the E-plane port, and is also called the Δ port, difference port, or S-port (for "series").
  • A signal injected into the H-plane port will be divided equally between ports 1 and 2, and will be in phase.
  • A signal injected into the E-plane port will also be divided equally between ports 1 and 2, but will be 180 degrees out of phase.
  • If signals are fed in through ports 1 and 2, they are added at the H-plane port and subtracted at the E-plane port.
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