Illustrate how telemetry tracking and command system is used in satellite OR Draw the block diagram of telemetry tracking and command subsysytem and state its principle of operation.


Describe the function of telemetry and tracking in satellite communication system.

1 Answer

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Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C) Subsystem These systems are partly on the satellite and partly at the control earth station. They support the functions of the spacecraft management. The main functions of a TTC system are

  • To monitor the performance of all satellite subsystems and transmit the monitored data to the satellite control center via a separate Telemetry link.
  • To support the determination of orbital parameters.
  • To provide a source to earth station for tracking.
  • To receive commands from the control center for performing various functions of the satellite.
  • Typical functions include:
  • To correct the position and attitude of the satellite.
  • To control the antenna pointing and communication system configuration to suit current traffic requirements.
  • To operate switches on the spacecraft.


  • It collects data from all sensors on the satellite and send to the controlling earth station.
  • The sighting device is used to maintain space craft altitudes are also monitored by telemetry.
  • At a controlling earth station using computer telemetry data can be monitored and decode.
  • And status of any system on satellite can be determined and can be controlled from earth station.


  • By using velocity and acceleration sensors, on spacecraft the orbital position of satellite can be detect from earth station.
  • For accurate and precise result number of earth stations can be used.
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