Design a Domain-Specific Software Architecture for the theatre ticket management system.

Assume suitable entries, attributes etc., Domain model must consist the following:

a) Domain dictionary and information model

b) Feature model and Operational model

Mumbai University > Computer Engineering > Sem 7 > Software Architecture.

Marks: 20 M

Year: May 12

1 Answer

Domain Model:

It is a conceptual model of all the topics related to a specific problem. It describes the various entities, their attributes, roles, and relationships, plus the constraints that govern the problem domain. They are grouped into 4 categories.

  1. Domain Dictionary
  2. Information Model
  3. Feature Model
  4. Operational Model

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Domain Dictionary: It represents the identification and representation of terms used in domain model.

We analyze the problem; list the scenarios and events occurring in the scenarios.

  • Ticket purchase: Here the customer consults the agent for availability of seats for a particular movie. The agent checks in his system and notifies the information like availability of ticket, cost and row number to the customer. The customer decides on the desirable seats and tells the agent. The customer then pays the amount to the agent and buys the ticket. Further, the agent records the transactions.
  • Ticket Return: The customer gives the movie ticket back to the agent if he no longer requires it. The agent returns the money back to the customer and records the transaction.
  • Ticket Exchange: The customer checks with the agent for an exchange of ticket. The agent checks in his system and notifies the customer. The customer checks if the seats are desirable and tells the agent. The customer returns the old ticket to the agent and gets new ticket from him. Depending on the cost of new ticket, the agent either collects money or issues a refund.
  • Ticket Sales analysis: Once the sales are done, the issue of ticket is stopped. The sales manager then checks for the sales of ticket for that particular movie.

Information Model: It is a collection of multiple models which is used in different organizations. Context Information Diagram- It captures high level data flow between major entities in the system, their relationship to the entities outside the system and any data that is assumed to come from external sources.

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Entity-Relationship Diagram- It captures aggregation and generalization relationships among the entities within the domain.

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Object Diagram - It identifies the objects in the application domain i.e. in the problem space.

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Feature Model:- It results from a feature analysis whose goal is to capture and organize a customer’s understanding and expectation of over-all capabilities of application in a given domain.

Use-Case Diagram - It captures the usage scenarios in the system.

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Representational Model - It describes how information is made available to a user. It provides details about the appropriate user interfaces for a particular system.

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Operational Model: It is the foundation upon which the software designers begin the process of understanding. It identifies the key operations that occur within a domain, the data exchanged among those operations and the commonly occurring sequence of those operations. The operational model represents how applications work within a domain.

Data-Flow Diagram - It focuses on data exchanged within the system.

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Control-Flow Diagram - It focuses on exchange of control within the system.

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State-Transition Diagram - It models and relates different states which the entities will enter, in the domain.

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