Apply the following Image Enhancement techniques for the given 3-bits per pixels image segment.

Apply the following Image Enhancement techniques for the given 3-bits per pixels image segment.

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  • Digital Negative
  • Bit plane slicing
  • Thresholding with T=5
  • Intensity slicing with background

    a =2 & b =5

1 Answer

Given, 3-bit image


∴Gray scale = [0, L-1] = [0, 7]

a. Digital negative

s = (L – 1) – r where s $\rightarrow$ o/p gray level

s = 7 – r r $\rightarrow$ i/p gray level

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b. Bit plane slicing Converting the decimal values into their equivalent binary.

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MSB plane $\hspace{40mm} $ Centre bit plane $\hspace{40mm} $ LSB plane

c. Thresholding T = 5 The formula for achieving thresholding is as follows.

Where L is the number of grey levels.

s = 0; if r ≤ 5

s = 7; if r >5

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d. Intensity slicing with background

a = 2 & b = 5

This can be implemented using the formulation

$s = L - 1;if a ≤ r ≥ b$

$s = r; otherwise$

s = 7; if 2 ≤ r ≥ 5

s = r; otherwise

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