Perform closing operation on the image shown below. The size of the image is 10 X 10.

Perform closing operation on the image shown below. The size of the image is 10 × 10.

The two white blocks are not connected if we consider 4-connectivity.

Use the same structuring element B = enter image description here

enter image description here

Figure 44

1 Answer

The image raw data is as shown. Note the two big block are not connected if we consider 4-connectivity.

enter image description here

We know that closing is basically Dilation followed by Erosion.

Close = E(D(A))

A • B = (A $\oplus$ B) ! B


Dilation = Maximum {A (x - i, y - j) × B(i, j)}

Dilating A, we get

enter image description here

Eroding (A $\oplus$ B) we have,

Closing = (A $\oplus$ B) ! B

enter image description here

The modified image looks like figure.

enter image description here

Figure 43

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