written 8.5 years ago by | • modified 8.5 years ago |
i. Event based
ii. Pipe and Filter
iii. Layered
iv. Mobile Code
v. Black board
Mumbai University > Computer engineering > Sem 7 > Software Architecture.
Marks: 10 M
Year: Dec 12
written 8.5 years ago by | • modified 8.5 years ago |
i. Event based
ii. Pipe and Filter
iii. Layered
iv. Mobile Code
v. Black board
Mumbai University > Computer engineering > Sem 7 > Software Architecture.
Marks: 10 M
Year: Dec 12
written 8.5 years ago by |
Event based:
Here the components are independent and communicate asynchronously.
The qualities are that they are
Pipe and Filter: Here, separate programs are executed potentially and concurrently. The data is passed as a stream from one program to another. The qualities are that simple structure of incoming and output streams facilitates novel combinations of filters for new and composed applications. Example: Operating system application programming.
The essence of layered style is that an architecture is separated into ordered layers wherein a program from one layer may obtain services from a layer below it. They are of 2 types:
1. Virtual Machines:
Here, a layer offers a set of services that may be accessed by at least programs residing within the layers above it. It consist of ordered sequence of layers, each of which offers a set of services that may be accessed by programs residing within the layers above it.
The qualities are:
2. Client-Server:
Here, client send service request to the server which performs the required functions and replies as needed with the information available in the request.
The qualities are:
Mobile Code:
This style enables code to be transmitted to remote host for interpretation. This may be due to lack of local computing power, lack of resources or due to large data sets remotely located. Mobile code may be classified as code-on-demand, remote evaluation or mobile agent depending on where the code is being transmitted, who requested the transmission and where the program state resides
The qualities yielded are
Here, independent programs access and communicate exclusively through a global data repository known as blackboard. In one version, programs poll the blackboard to determine if any values of interest have changed. In other version, a blackboard manager notifies interested components of an update to the blackboard. The qualities that it provides are