written 8.8 years ago by |
In the broadcast AM receivers the total oscillator frequency is higher than the incoming signal frequency by intermediate frequency i.e.
$f_0=f_s+I.F.$ …………………….. (1)
I.F. =$( f_0-f_s)$ ------------- (2)
If two frequency components $f_1$ and $f_2$ are mixed in a mixer then mixer output consists of following components. If ($ f_1$> $f_2$)
Output of mixer: $ f_1 , f_2 (f_1- f_2) and ( f_1+ f_2)$…………...(3)
Out of which the difference component i.e. $( f_1- f_2)$ is selected using a tuned circuit after the mixer.
Now assume that the local oscillator frequency is set to “$f_0$ " and an unwanted signal at frequency $f_{si}$ =$(f_0+IF)$ manages to reach at the input of the mixer along with the desired signal frequency $f_s$ . Then the mixer output consists of the four frequency components corresponding to $f_{si}$ as follows:
$f_{si},(f_0+IF),(2f_0+IF)$and IF……………………………… (4)
Where the last component at IF is the difference between $f_{si}$ and $f_0$. This component will also be amplified by the IF amplifier along with the desired signal at frequency $f_s$.
This will create interference because both the stations corresponding to carrier frequencies $f_s$ and $f_{si}$ will be tuned at the same position.
This unwanted signal at frequency $f_{si}$ is known as “image frequency” and it is said to be the “image” of the signal frequency $f_s$. The relation between $f_s$ and $f_{si}$ is:
Image frequency: $f_{si} =f_s+2IF$
The image frequency must be rejected by the receiver. The image rejection depends on the front end selectivity of the receiver i.e. the selectivity of the RF circuit.
The image rejection must be achieved before the IF stage because once it reaches the IF stage it cannot be removed.
The use of RF amplifier thus improves the image frequency rejection.