what is Image frequency and its rejection?
1 Answer
  • In the broadcast AM receivers the total oscillator frequency is higher than the incoming signal frequency by intermediate frequency i.e.

    $f_0=f_s+I.F.$ …………………….. (1)


    I.F. =$( f_0-f_s)$ ------------- (2)

  • If two frequency components $f_1$ and $f_2$ are mixed in a mixer then mixer output consists of following components. If ($ f_1$> $f_2$)

  • Output of mixer: $ f_1 , f_2 (f_1- f_2) and ( f_1+ f_2)$…………...(3)

  • Out of which the difference component i.e. $( f_1- f_2)$ is selected using a tuned circuit after the mixer.

  • Now assume that the local oscillator frequency is set to “$f_0$ " and an unwanted signal at frequency $f_{si}$ =$(f_0+IF)$ manages to reach at the input of the mixer along with the desired signal frequency $f_s$ . Then the mixer output consists of the four frequency components corresponding to $f_{si}$ as follows:

    $f_{si},(f_0+IF),(2f_0+IF)$and IF……………………………… (4)

  • Where the last component at IF is the difference between $f_{si}$ and $f_0$. This component will also be amplified by the IF amplifier along with the desired signal at frequency $f_s$.

  • This will create interference because both the stations corresponding to carrier frequencies $f_s$ and $f_{si}$ will be tuned at the same position.

  • This unwanted signal at frequency $f_{si}$ is known as “image frequency” and it is said to be the “image” of the signal frequency $f_s$. The relation between $f_s$ and $f_{si}$ is:

    Image frequency: $f_{si} =f_s+2IF$


  • The image frequency must be rejected by the receiver. The image rejection depends on the front end selectivity of the receiver i.e. the selectivity of the RF circuit.

  • The image rejection must be achieved before the IF stage because once it reaches the IF stage it cannot be removed.

  • The use of RF amplifier thus improves the image frequency rejection.

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