Describe the controlled chain reaction in brief.

Subject : Power Plant Engineering

Topic: Chap 5- Nuclear Power Plants

Difficulty: Medium

1 Answer

The chain reaction under controlled conditions can release extremely large amount of energy causing ‚atomic explosion. Out of 2.5 neutrons released in fission of each nucleus of U-235, one neutron is used to sustain the chain reaction, about 0.9 neutron is captured by U-238, which gets converted into fissionable material Pu-239 and about 0.6 neutron is partially absorbed by control rod materials, coolant and moderator.

If thorium is used in the reactor core, it gets converted to fissionable material U-233.

Thorium 232 + Neutron ® U-233

Pr-239 and U-233 so produced are fissionable materials are called secondary fuels. They can be used as nuclear fuels. U-238 and Th-232 are called fertile materials

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