What are types of Internal Noise?
1 Answer
  • Different types of noise are as follows:

    1.Thermal noise:

    • Thermal noise also known as Johnson noise.

    • The free electrons within a conductor are always in random motion.

    • This random motion is due to the thermal energy received by them.

    • distribution of these free electrons within a conductor at a given instant of time is not uniform.

    • It is possible that an excess number of electrons may appear at one end or the other of the conductor.

    • The average voltage resulting from this non-uniform distribution is zero but the average The power is not zero.

    • As this power results from the thermal energy, it is called as the “thermal noise power”.

    • The average thermal noise power is given by,

    $P_n$= kTB watts

    Where k= Boltzmann’s constant =1.38*10-23 Joules/Kelvin

    B= Bandwidth of the noise.

    T= Temperature of the conductor, “Kelvin”.

    2.Shot noise:

    • The shot noise is produced due to shot effect.

    • Due to the shot effect, shot noise is produced in all the amplifying devices rather in all the active devices.

    • The shot noise is produced due to the random variations in the arrival of electrons (holes) at the output electrode of an amplifying device.

    • The exact formula for the shot noise can be obtained only for diodes. The mean square shot noise current for a diode is given as

      $ I_{n^2}= 2(I+2I0) q B amperes2$

    Where I = direct current across the junction

    $ I_0$= reverse saturation current

    q = electron charge

    B = effective noise bandwidth in Hz.

    3.Partition noise:

  • Partition noise is generated when the current gets divided between two or more paths.

  • It is generated due to the random fluctuations in the divisions

  • Therefore the partition noise in a transistor will be higher than in a diode.

    4.Low frequency or flicker noise:

  • The flicker noise will appear at frequencies below a few kilohertz.

  • It is sometimes called as “1/f”noise.

  • In the semiconductor devices, the flicker noise is generated due to the fluctuations in the carrier density.

    5.High frequency or transit time noise:

    • If the time taken by an electron to travel from the emitter to the collector of a transistor becomes comparable to the period of the signal which is being amplified then the transit time effects takes place.

    • This effect is observed at very high frequencies.

    • Due to transit time effect some of the carriers may diffuse back to the emitter.

    • Once this noise appears, it goes on increasing with frequency at a rate of 6 dB per octave.

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