written 6.3 years ago by |
Digital Signatures:
An electronic signature that prove the authenticity of a sender of the message is called ‘Digital Signature
Process of Digital Signature:
The sender uses a signing algorithm to sign the message
The message and signature are sent to the receiver
The receiver receives the message and the signature and applies verifying algorithm to the combination
If the result is true, the message is accepted or else rejected.
Need for key:
In digital signature, the signer uses his private key applied to a signing algorithm to sign the document
The verifier on the other hand uses the public key at the signer, applied to the verifying alogorithm to verify the document
Difference between Key generations is Crypto system and digital signature
Digital signature needs a public key system. The signer signs with his private key, the verifier verifies the signers public key.
A cryptosystem uses the private and public key of the receiver whereas a digital signature uses the private and public key of the sender.