Comparison of SHA and MD-5
1 Answer

Comparison of SHA and MD5

1.Security against brute force attack :

  • SHA operations are $2^{160}$

  • MD5 operations are $2^{128}$

  • It is difficult to have same message digest for two different messages

  • Brute force attack is harder for SHA (160 vs 128 bits for MD5)

2. Security against crypt analysis:

  • MD5 is undertake, SHA is not vulnerable.

3. Speed:

  • MD5 executes faster when compared to SHA due to less but needed, 64 steps vs 80 steps

  • Both depend on addition module of $2^{32}$ and could seen well on 32 bit processors.

4. Simplicity and compactness :

  • Both are simple to describe and implement.

  • MD5 uses little endian, SHA uses big endian.

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