written 6.2 years ago by |
Data link layer
Portocol used: Ethernet, ARP
1. ARP Spoofing:
data link layer uses the ARP(Adderess Resolution Protocol) to translate the IP adderess to the MAC adderess.
The client begins by first sending a broadcast ARP message for a given IP address.
The switch broadcast the ARP message to all ports except for the source port.
When the intended destination IP address gets the ARP, it replies with it MAC address & all others hosts on the switch will drop.
Gratitutions ARP is another flavour of the traditional ARP. It is used by hosts "announnie" their IP address to the local Network.
There is no authentication in the ownership of IP & MAC address so an attacker can spoof an ARP packet to announce an IP & the legit user can be kicked out of the network causing a denial of source.
Further this attack can allow switched environment to start delivering traffic to the hosts because the CAM(Content addressable memory) table has been altered with IP & MAC bindings.
2. ARP Cache poisioning:
ARP keeps its physical to logical bindings in an ARP cachs.
An Attacker can modify this table & give incorrect mapings this attack is called ARP cache poisioning.
when a client machine wants to send data , it looks up at the poisioned data & sends the data to the attacker.
ARP cache poisoning requires that the attacker is in the same subnet as the target machine because ARP does not cross the router boundaries.