written 6.2 years ago by | • modified 6.2 years ago |
The law in which models are based on weber's number is called as weber's model law
When ever surface tension forces are predominant as compare to other forces for dynamic similarity weber number in model must be equal to weber number in prototype
Weber's model law is applicable in following case
(i) Capillary movement of water in soil
(ii) study of droplet, study of very small jet
(iii) Capillary waves in channel
(iv) flow over weirs for small heads
Mach model law
The law in which models are based on mach number is called mach model law
whenever elastic forces are predominant as compared to other forces, for dynamic similarity Mach number in the modal law mus the equal to mach number in prototype
Mmodel= Mprototype
where K=Elastic stress
Mach model law are applicable in following case
i) flow of aeroplane of supersonic speed
ii) underwater testing to torpedoes
iii) Aerodynamic testing
iv) flow of missiles rockets
v) water hammer problem