Draw block diag of typical OP-AMP. Explain function of each block.


  1. Explain OP-AMP with block diag.
  2. Explain operational amplifier with neat block diagram.
2 Answers

Block diag of OP-AMP

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OPAMP is basically a differential amp i.e., it will amplify the voltage which is differentially present between its i/p terminals.

Input stage: The i/p stage is a dual i/p, balanced o/p differential amp. The 2 i/p are inverting and non- inverting i/p terminals. This stage provides most of the voltage gain of the OP-AMP and decides the value of i/p resistance $R_i$.

Intermediate stage: This is usually another differential amp. The i/p stage drives the stage. The stage is a dual –i/p unbalanced o/p differentiated amp.

Level- shifting stage: Due to direct coupling used between the 1st 2 stages, the i/p of level shifting stage is an amplified signal with some non – zero dc level. Level shifting stage is used to bring dc level to zero volts with respect to gnd.

Output stage: This stage is normally a complementary o/p stage. It increases the magnitude of voltage and raises the current supplying capability of OP-AMP. It also ensures that the o/p resistance of OPAMP is low.


![explanation of each block][1]

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