written 8.7 years ago by | • modified 8.7 years ago |
Mumbai University > Computer engineering > Sem 7 > Software Architecture.
Marks: 6 M
Year: May 13
written 8.7 years ago by | • modified 8.7 years ago |
Mumbai University > Computer engineering > Sem 7 > Software Architecture.
Marks: 6 M
Year: May 13
written 8.7 years ago by |
Heterogeneous styles are the complex styles created through composition of simpler styles. C2 architectural style is a heterogeneous type of style. It is an indirect invocation style in which independent components communicate exclusively through message routing connectors. Strict rules on connections between components and connectors induce layering. Thus C2 is a composition of implicit invocation and layered styles along with some additional constraints.
● Components: Independent, potentially concurrent message generators and/or consumers
● Connectors: Message routers that may filter, translate, and broadcast messages of two kinds: notifications and requests.
● Data Elements: Messages – data sent as first-class entities over the connectors. Notification messages announce changes of state. Request messages request performance of an action.
● Topology: Layers of components and connectors, with a defined top and bottom, wherein notifications flow downwards and requests upwards.
The C2 architecture for Lunar Lander application shown above operates largely like the event-based style with respect to the use of events. However, both the spacecraft and the clock components are guaranteed to be completely unaware of the presence of the game logic and GUI components.
Qualities yielded on using C2 style are:
Typical uses: Reactive, heterogeneous applications. Applications demanding low-cost adaptability Cautions: Event routing across multiple layers can be inefficient. Overhead is high for some simple kinds of component interaction.