Numerical based on acid value : A vegetable oil was tested for its acid value, 10 gm of oil required 0.2 mi of KOH.

A vegetable oil was tested for its acid value, 10 gm of oil required 0.2 mi of KOH. Find its acid value. Also mention can it be useful for lubrication.(Normality of KOH =0.02 N)

1 Answer

Weight of oil=10 gm

Normality of KOH =0.02N

Volume of KOH=.2ml

Acid value = Volume of KOH X N KOH X 56 /weight of oil

= 0.2 x 0.02 x 56 /10

= 0.0224 mg of KOH /gm of oil

As acid value is less than 0.1 mg/gm oil is suitable for lubrication.

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