Differentiate between up and uc
1 Answer
Sr No. Microprocessors Microcontroller
1. A uP is just a processor. Memory and I/O components have to be connected externally. A uC has internal processor along with internal memory and I/O components.
2. It cannot be used to make compact systems as in doesn’t have sufficient inbuilt memory. Hence external memory and I/O devices are connected. Compact systems can be designed by using uC since memory and I/O components are present internally which reduces the size of the overall system.
3. As the size of the system increases the cost of the entire system increases. Cost of these systems is low as the size is small and less amount of chips and devices are required in designing these kind of systems.
4. As the number of external components are high more power is consumed. Hence not suitable for appliances running on stored/limited (batteries) power. As less number of external components are required to design a microcontroller based system, it is an ideal choice to be used in limited power environment .
5. Most of the initial uPs did not have any power saving features. Most Ucs have power saving features like Ideal mode and Power Down mode. These help to reduce the power consumption even more.
6. uPs have less number of registers hence mostly operations are memory based. Due to which compilation of the codes becomes slower. Ucs have large number of registers and hence most of the operations are register based. Compilation of codes is faster as compared to uPs.
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