What is Data Acquisition System? Explain 8086 based data acquisition system.
1 Answer
  • Data Acquisition System is required whenever we need to obtain real world data such as speed, temperature, sound etc. Real World data is first converted into electrical voltage pulses by a sensor like a transducer, a microphone etc.

  • The block diagram of 8086 based DAQ is shown in figure below:

Data Acquisition System

  • Analog information from real word is captured by sensors, which converts physical quantity into electrical quantity.
  • This is fed into an ADC to convert it into Digital information, that’s data. An ADC 0809 will convert every Analog sample into 8-bit data. Such data is passed on to a peripheral interface device like 8255.
  • 8255 is interfaced with microprocessor 8086 which collects the information from ADC through 8255. The ADC could also be connected directly to 8086 but using an 8255 just makes it easier as the port lines of 8255 can control various functions of the ADC.
  • This data is stored by the microprocessor into the system memory. Further on, it can be processed in various ways. If it is Audio, it can be stored as an mp3 file. If it is temperature or speed it can be displayed on a seven segment display.
  • Applications: Temperature sensing in Fire Detection systems, Speed sensing in Speed Limiting systems, Audio recording and playback based applications.
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