Explain different risks and mitigation technology associated with cloud?
1 Answer

The NIST defines IT Related Risk as the net mission impact considering

The probability that a particular threat source will exercise (accidently trigger or intentionally exploit) a particular information system vulnerability and

The resulting impact if this should occur. IT-Related risks arise from liability or mission loss due to:

• Unauthorized (malicious or accidental) disclosure, modification, or destruction of information

• Unintentional errors and omissions.

• IT disruptions due to natural or man-made disasters.

• Failure to exercise due care and diligence in the implementation and operation of the IT system

Risk Opportunity (Solutions)
Availability of service Use multiple cloud providers use elasticity to prevent distributed denial of service attacks.
Data lock-in APIs for cloud computing are not standardized,Thus customers cannot easily extract their data from one site to run on another. Standardize APIs, use compatible software to enable surge computing.
3. Data confidentiality & audit-ability: Current cloud offerings are essentially public networks exposing the systems to more attacks Deploy encryption, VLANs. Firewall, geographical data storage.
4.Data transfer bottlenecks Implication of data traffic at every level of system. Using overnight courier for disks, data backup higher bandwidth switches
5.Performance unpredictability Improved VM support, flash memory, gang schedule VMs.
6.Scalable Storage Invent a scalable store
7.Bugs in large distributed systems Invent a debugger that relies on distributed VMs.
8.Scaling quickly To conserve resources as well as money. To charge users as per their usage Invent on auto scalar that relies on ML. Use snapshots for conservation.
9.Reputation/ Fate sharing. One customers bad behavior can affect the reputation of the cloud as a whole Offer reputation guarding services like those trusted email.
10.Software licensing. Current s/w license commonly restrict computers on which the s/w can run.User pay for the s/w a then pay on annual maintenance Fee Pay for use licenses buck use sales
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