Explain the use of images in different fields?
1 Answer

Medical Field

The common applications of DIP in the field of medical is

  • Gamma ray imaging
  • PET scan
  • X Ray Imaging
  • Medical CT
  • UV imaging

UV Imaging

  • In the field of remote sensing, the area of the earth is scanned by a satellite or from a very high ground and then it is analyzed to obtain information about it. One particular application of remote sensing is to detect infrastructure damages caused by an earthquake.

  • As it takes longer time to grasp damage. since the area effected by the earthquake is sometimes so wide, that it is not possible to examine it with human eye in order to examine the damages. Even if it is, then it is very hectic and time consuming procedure. An image of the effected area is captured from the above ground and then it is analyzed to detect the various type of damage done by the earthquake.

The key steps include in the analysis are extraction of edges and analysis and enhancement of various types of edges:-

1. Transmission and Encoding

The very first image that has been transmitted over the wire was from London to New York via a submarine cable. This field does not only focus on transmission, but also on encoding. Many different formats have been developed for high or low bandwidth to encode photos and then stream it over the internet etc.

2. Machine/Robot Vision

Apart from the many challenges that a Robot face today, one of the biggest challenge still is to increase the vision of the robot. Much work has been contributed by this field and a complete other field of computer vision has been introduced to work on it.

3. Line Follower robot

Most of the robots work today by following a line and thus are called line follower robots. This has also acheived through image processing.

enter image description here

4. Colour processing

Colour processing includes processing of coloured images and different colours spaces that are used. It also involves studying tranmission, storage and encoding of these colours images.

5. Pattern Recognition

Pattern recognition involves study from image processing and from various other fields that includes machine learning (a branch of AI). Pattern recognition is used in computer aided diagnosis, recognition of handwritting, recognition of images etc.

6. Video processing

A video is nothing but just a very fast movement of pictures. Video processing involves noise reduction, detail enhancement, motion detection, frame rate conversion, aspect ratio conversion, colour spcae conversion etc.

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