Distinguish between thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic.
1 Answer
Thermosoftening plastics Thermosetting plastics
They are formed by addition polymerization. Eg. Polyethylene, PVC, etc. They are formed by condensation polymerization. Eg. Nylon 6,6, Kevlar, phenol formaldehyde etc.
They consist of linear long chain polymer with limited cross-links. They consists three dimensional network structure.
They consists polymer of smaller molecular weight. They consists polymer of higher molecular weight.
They are softened on heating. Hence they can be reshaped & reused. They do not soften on heating. Hence they cannot be reshaped & reused.
They can be reclaimed from wastes. They cannot be reclaimed.
There inter molecular bonds are weaker. They are joined by strong covalent bonds.
They are soft, weak & less brittle. They are hard, strong & more brittle.
They are soluble in suitable organic solvents, as their bonds are weaker. They are insoluble in organic solvent, as their bonds are stronger.
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