written 6.1 years ago by |
This is one of the major semiconductor technologies incorporating two separate technologies, namely bipolar junction transistor and CMOS transistor in a single modern integrated circuit.
It is a complex processing technology that provides NMOS and PMOS technologies amalgamated each other with the advantages of having very low power consumption bipolar technology and high speed over CMOS technology. MOSFETs grant high input impedance logic gates and bipolar transistors provide high current gain.
Analog amplifier design is facilitated and improved by using high impedance CMOS circuit as input and remaining are realized by using bipolar transistors.
BiCMOS is essentially vigorous to temperature and process variations offering good economic considerations (high percentage of prime units) with less variability in electrical parameters.
High load current sinking and sourcing can be provided by BiCMOS devices as per requirement.
Since it is a grouping of bipolar and CMOS technologies we can use BJT if speed is a critical parameter and we can use MOS if power is a critical parameter and it can drive high capacitance loads with reduced cycle time.
The fabrication process of this technology is comprised of both the CMOS and bipolar technologies increasing the complexity.
Due to increase in the complexity of the fabrication process, the cost of fabrication also increases.
This technology is used as an alternate of the previous bipolar, ECL and CMOS in the market.
The applications of BiCMOS were initially in RISC microprocessors rather than traditional CISC microprocessors. This technology excels its applications, mainly in two areas of microprocessors such as memory and input/output.
It can be used for sample and hold applications as it provides high impedance inputs.
This is also used in applications such as adders, mixers, ADC and DAC.