What is middleware? Explain any one type of middleware which uses synchronous communication.
1 Answer


Middleware is a piece of software that connects disparate computer systems and allows them to talk. This is usually accomplished by trading XML documents but it can also be achieved by trading flat files, a CSV or some other proprietary data element.

Some middleware allow you to change the format of the content, such as entering a CSV file on one side and receiving an XML on the other side. Regardless, all middleware allow for secure transmission of data from one point to the other.

The systems generally plug in through an API or web service on either side of the connection. Both the ERP and ecommerce sides have mechanisms for communication and the middleware sends the data from one side to the other.This allows the systems to run without worrying about what the other system is doing. So, if one system were to go down for any reason, it doesn’t affect the operations of the other system.

One of the many advantages of utilizing middleware is that it allows you to upgrade on either the ERP or ecommerce side without significantly altering the integration. As long as the plug-in points don’t change, the middleware just keeps on running. This makes software upgrades a non-event from the integration perspective.

Additionally, these middleware pieces typically allow for a “one to many” type of integration. If you have multiple systems flowing into the ERP, the integration to the ERP is set up only once, the middleware is plugged in, and that allows the other pieces to hook up to the ERP.

For example, let’s say you are integrating three ecommerce instances with one ERP. Instead of three full integrations, a six-step process, the integration takes place once on the ERP end and then once on each of the three other aspects. This allows for scalability and efficiency.

Role of middleware:

It simplifies the communication process. It prevents the need for a bunch of code reaching across the wire from the ecommerce end to the ERP engine and vice versa.

With middleware, those disparate systems don’t need integration built directly into them, nor do they affect the operations of the other. By utilizing middleware, the two systems are not forced to talk directly to each other, but to communicate through the middleware.

Because the middleware is now the communication channel between the systems, all monitoring of your integration takes place in one system.

This allows you the opportunity to execute built in redundancies, backups, alerts, and monitors within that one system. This built-in security keeps the data safe as it travels across the wire.

It avoids the need for a bunch of custom coding in the ERP or ecommerce engines. That allows your upgrades to be a whole lot cleaner and easier, and it lets the systems do what they need to do without reaching across the wire.

It allows both systems to operate independently. If one system is down for maintenance, the other system continues to operate. The messages between the two simply queue up in the middleware system until the other side becomes available. This means that communication drops, nightly processing, or any other interruptions that may occur do not hinder the systems.

Types of Middleware

The selection of middleware technology is determined by what information is required to be communicated, for example, database middleware will be the choice if database is the main requirement.

However, following are the major categories of middleware:

  • Database Middleware
  • Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
  • Object Request Broker (ORB)
  • Application Server Middleware
  • Message Oriented Middleware (MOM)
  • Transaction Processing Monitor (TP)
  • Web Application Servers
  • Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)

Database middleware

The most widely used, easy to install, and relatively economical middleware, Database middleware, is usually chosen to complement other types of middleware and facilitates communication among applications and local or remote databases but cannot transfer calls or objects.

However, database middleware does not allow the two-way communications between servers and clients.SQL type command is generally subjected to the middleware gateway, which would convey the command to the end database to collect and send the reply of the SQL query back.

Synchronous point-to-point type of communications is the characteristic of database middleware and can pose problems when multiple demands from multiple users produce h huge traffic and congestion. Database middleware is the most mature middleware technology.

Error log. The Service signature made services secure from any external sources.

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