written 6.3 years ago by | • modified 5.5 years ago |
Drainage plan of building are prepared as fallow
The site plan of building should be draw to a convenient scale and positions of gully trap should be mark on it.
The longitudinal section of proposed sewer line should be drawn to a convenient scale.
The longitudinal section should show distance, ground level invert level depth of cutting and size of chamber manhole, size and gradient of pipe etc.
The position of public severs clearly shown on the site plan and longitudinal section of drain. It is advisable to join the house drain to manhole on public sewer line.
The detailed plan of different floors of building show the position of floor trap sanitary fitting etc.
The house drain is laid as per detail on appropriate drainage plan of the building.
The house drain is tested for water tightness and the trenches are then filled up.