written 6.3 years ago by | • modified 5.5 years ago |
Belt conveyors are essentially used in field. For handling and transportation of materials belt conveyor are used. Belt conveyor carry continues flow of material at relatively high speed.
The essential part of belt conveyor,
Continuous belt
Driving unit
Take ups
1. Belts
The belt used in conveyor may be of rubber canvas woven wire steel etc. the selection of belt depend upon type of work.
It is the moving and supporting surface on which material is transported. These belts are manufacturing such a way that they can provide necessary strength of resist tension in belt.
The top and bottom surface of belt is covered with adhesive which give strength of belt.
It is therefore necessary to choose about which sufficient strength and width.
2. Idler:
The idler provide support to belt conveyor and provide necessary support to belt. At the same time for the return position they provide flat support.
3. Driving equipment:
A belt conveyor operated mainly by 3 phase induction motor electrically operated and hand operated. In a phase induction motor, driving unit consist of head pulley, tail pulley and intermediate pulley. More is the number of pulleys lesser will the driving force required.
The external power required to drive a belt depend on
Load to be removed
Angle of moment
Number of idler
Number of pulley
Friction caused by belt, pulley and idler etc.
4. Takes up:
There are used to adjust length of belt as the length of belt changes due to change in temperature during its operation. These should be strong enough to resist force by the load during power failure.
5. Feeder:
Feeder feeds the material to belt at uniform rate many time materials is discharge through chuk instead of feeling directly which reduced possibility of impact.