written 6.3 years ago by | • modified 5.5 years ago |
Types of Electrical Wiring Systems
The types of internal wiring usually used are
Cleat wiring
Wooden casing and capping wiring
CTS or TRS or PVC sheath wiring
Lead sheathed or metal sheathed wiring
Conduit wiring
There are additional types of conduit wiring according to Pipes installation (Where steel and PVC pipes are used for wiring connection and installation).
A) Surface or open Conduit type
B) Recessed or concealed or underground type Conduit
1. Cleat Wiring
Cleat wiring system is a temporary wiring system therefore it is not suitable for domestic premises. The use of cleat wiring system is over nowadays.
Advantages of Cleat Wiring
It is simple and cheap wiring system
Most suitable for temporary use i.e. under construction building or army camping
As the cables and wires of cleat wiring system is in open air, Therefore fault in cables can be seen and repair easily.
Cleat wiring system installation is easy and simple.
Customization can be easily done in this wiring system e.g. alteration and addition.
Inspection is easy and simple.
Disadvantages of Cleat Wiring
Appearance is not so good.
Cleat wiring can’t be use for permanent use because, Sag may be occur after sometime of the usage.
In this wiring system, the cables and wiring is in open air, therefore, oil, Steam, humidity, smoke, rain, chemical and acidic effect may damage the cables and wires.
it is not lasting wire system because of the weather effect , risk of fire and wear & tear.
it can be only used on 250/440 Volts on low temperature.
There is always a risk of fire and electric shock.
it can’t be used in important and sensitive location and places.
It is not lasting, reliable and sustainable wiring system.
2. Casing and Capping wiring
Casing and Capping wiring system was famous wiring system in the past but, it is considered obsolete this days because of Conduit and sheathed wiring system. The cables used in this kind of wiring were either VIR or PVC or any other approved insulated cables.
Advantages of Casing Capping Wiring
It is cheap wiring system as compared to sheathed and conduit wiring systems.
It is strong and long-lasting wiring system.
Customization can be easily done in this wiring system.
If Phase and Neutral wire is installed in separate slots, then repairing is easy.
Stay for long time in the field due to strong insulation of capping and casing..
It stays safe from oil, Steam, smoke and rain.
No risk of electric shock due to covered wires and cables in casing & capping.
Disadvantages Casing Capping Wiring
There is a high risk of fire in casing & capping wiring system.
Not suitable in the acidic, alkalies and humidity conditions
Costly repairing and need more material.
Material can’t be found easily in the contemporary
White ants may damage the casing & capping of wood.
3. Batten Wiring (CTS or TRS)
Single core or double core or three core TRS cables with a circular oval shape cables are used in this kind of wiring. Mostly, single core cables are preferred. TRS cables are chemical proof, water proof, steam proof, but are slightly affected by lubricating oil. The
Advantages of Batten Wiring
Wiring installation is simple and easy
cheap as compared to other electrical wiring systems
Paraphrase is good and beautiful
Repairing is easy
strong and long-lasting
Customization can be easily done in this wiring system.
less chance of leakage current in batten wiring system
Disadvantages of Batten Wiring
Can’t be install in the humidity, Chemical effects, open and outdoor areas.
High risk of firs
Not safe from external wear & tear and weather effects (because, the wires are
openly visible to heat, dust, steam and smoke.
Heavy wires can’t be used in batten wiring system.
Only suitable below then 250V.
Need more cables and wires.
4. Lead Sheathed Wiring
The type of wiring employs conductors that are insulated with VIR and covered with an outer sheath of lead aluminum alloy containing about 95% of lead. The metal sheath given protection to cables from mechanical damage, moisture and atmospheric corrosion.
The whole lead covering is made electrically continuous and is connected to earth at the point of entry to protect against electrolytic action due to leaking current and to provide safety in case the sheath becomes alive. The cables are run on wooden batten and fixed by means of link clips just as in TRS wiring.
5. Conduit Wiring
There are two additional types of conduit wiring according to pipe installation
A) Surface Conduit Wiring
B) Concealed Conduit Wiring
A) Surface Conduit Wiring
If conduits installed on roof or wall, It is known as surface conduit wiring. in this wiring method, they make holes on the surface of wall on equal distances and conduit is installed then with the help of rawal plugs.
B) Concealed Conduit wiring
If the conduits is hidden inside the wall slots with the help of plastering, it is called concealed conduit wiring. In other words, the electrical wiring system inside wall, roof or floor with the help of plastic or metallic piping is called concealed conduit wiring. obliviously, It is the most popular, beautiful, stronger and common electrical wiring system nowadays.
Advantage of Conduit Wiring Systems
1) It is the safest wiring system
2) Choice Of Wiring System & Types Of Cables Used In Internal Wiring
Choice Of Wiring Systems
Before wiring a building, it is necessary one makes the right choice when it comes to the type of wiring, the size and position of fans, light points. When making choice for any wiring system for a particular installation, your choice should be based on technical and economic factors.
Generally, when making choice for a particular system of wiring, the following factors should be considered;
1) Cost of wiring
The initial cost of the wiring system to be chosen or selected is one of the paramount factors to be considered. It should be economical and safe.
2) Durability
When making choices for wiring system, the wiring type should be durable (long lasting) and should also be of proper specifications and in accordance with assessed life and type of building to be wired. You should not carry out cleat wiring for a permanent building because cleat wiring is suitable for temporary buildings only. Any wiring should withstand wear and tear that may result due to unfavorable weather. The cables used should be able to carry maximum current without overheating.
3) Permanency
The wiring should not deteriorate by the action of weather, fumes, dampness etc. the cables should be resistant to harsh weather and chemical attacks.
4) Accessibility
Facilities used in the wiring should be available (within range) and accessible when the need for alteration, extension or renewal arises.
5) Appearance
The wiring should provide a good look after its installation. If cleat or casing – capping wiring is used in a modern building, it will spoil the outlook of that building. Conduit wiring is preferred mostly for modern buildings except that it’s expensive. PVC wiring system is also good for modern buildings. PVC wiring is very popular.
6) Mechanical Protection:
The wiring should be protected from mechanical damage during its use.
7) Safety
When it comes to wiring, safety is one of the most paramount factors to be considered because electrocution is one thing you won’t have the time to give it a second thought. Where there is possibility of fire hazard, conduit wiring should be used.
8) Maintenance Cost
Wiring system employed should have low maintenance cost. Load: The types of loads consuming the electrical energy in a building will determine the kinds of cables to be used. You cannot use a cable with small diameter for heavy loads. The cables will damage. Voltage to be employed and fire hazard and insurance standards should also be kept in mind in case of large factories.