Subject DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Month: May Year 2016
1 Answer

Answer any four Total Marks 80

a)Explain the components of Image processing system (5)

b)List properties 2D DFT

c)Explain Erosion and Dilaition in brief

d) Justify "Huffman coding is a lossless compression technique"

e)Why is the Sum of coefficients,high pass filters mask zero?

Q.2 a)Define Image Enhancement. Explain the following enhancement operations and draw the graphs transformation function: (10)

1 Bit plane Slicing 2.Gray slicing

b)An 8 level image is given below. Perform Histogram equalization and draw histogram of original and equalized images (10)

enter image description here

Q.3 a) Perform edge detection using graph theoretic technique for the image segment shown below. Assume the edge starts from first row and ends by third row. Find the edge corresponding to minimum cost path (10)

enter image description here

b) What are chain code? Obtain the four directional and eight directional chain codes for the boundary shown below (10)

enter image description here

Q.4 a) What is Hadamard Transform?Write a $4\times4$ Hadamard matrix and its applications. H(4) ortogonal and normalized (10)

b)Explain the following morphological operations (10)

i)Fit,Miss Transformations

ii)opening and closing

Q.5 a) Generate the Huffman code for the sentence "COMMITTEE" Calculate entropy of the source, average length of the code generated and coding efficiency (10)

Q.6 Write a notes on (20)


b) DWT

c) Image sampling Quantization

d) Isoperference Curves

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