written 6.4 years ago by |
Answer any four of following: Total Marks:80
a)Differentiate between 8 connectivity, m connectivity (5)
b)Explain Dilation and Erosion in brief
c)Justify "Huffman coding lossless compression technique"
d)Justify "Butterworth low pass filter"
e) Iso Preference curves
Q.2 a)Define image Enhancement. Explain following enhancement operations and draw the graphs (10) transformation function
1)Dynamic range compression
2)Gray level slicing
b) The grey level distribution of an image is shown in table perform Histogram equalization and plot histograms of original and equal image, Explain need of histogram equalization (10)
Q. 3 a)Explain method of edge linking using Hough transform (10)
b) What is image segmentation?Explain with example segmentation based on similarities (10)
Q. 4 a)Explain Discrete Wavelet Transform and its application in image processing (10)
b) Apply DFT algorithm to rows and columns of image segment as shown obtain 2D DFT show in Butterfly diagram(10)
Q.5 a)Consider 8 pixel lane of grey scale data (10,11,15,13,57,54,51) which has been uniformly quantized with 6 bit accuracy. Construct its 3 bit IGS code. compute the rms error for decoded IGS code (10)
b) What are different types of data redundancies found in a digital image? Explain in detail (10)
Q.6) Write Short notes on any three of following:-(10)
a) Hit or Miss transformation
b) Chain codes
c) Image Sampling and Quantization
d) Homomorphic filtering