Management Information Base (MIB)
1 Answer

• The Management Information Base, version 2 (MIB2) is the second component used in network management.

• Each agent has its own MIB2, which is a collection of all the objects that the manager can manage.

• The objects in MIB2 are categorized under 10 different groups: system, interface, address translation, ip, icmp, tcp, udp, egp, transmission, and snmp.

• These groups are under the mib-2 object in the object identifier tree

enter image description here

• sys This object (system) defines general information about the node (system), such as the name, location, and lifetime.

• if This object (inteiface) defines information about all the interfaces of the node including interface number, physical address, and IP address.

• at This object (address translation) defines the information about the ARP table.

• ip This object defines information related to IP, such as the routing table and the IP address.

• icmp This object defines information related to ICMP, such as the number of packets sent and received and total errors created.

• tcp This object defines general information related to TCP, such as the connection table, time-out value, number of ports, and number of packets sent and received.

• udp This object defines general information related to UDP, such as the number of ports and number of packets sent and received.

• snmp This object defines general information related to SNMP itself.

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