What is the principle of solar cell? Write its advantages and disadvantages.
1 Answer


In photoelectric effect when radiation is incident on a metal surface electron are ejected. In photovoltaic effect, certain materials being exposed to radiation generates electron hole pairs available for conduction. As a result a voltage is developed across the material. The radiation energy $E= hϑ$ is required to be greater then the band gap energy $E_g$ of the material. This is a phenomenon in which light energy is converted into electrical energy.


  • Environmentally friendly.
  • No noise, no moving parts.
  • No emission.
  • Minimum maintenance required.
  • Long lifetime, up to 30 years.
  • PV operator even in cloudy weather condition.


  • PV cannot operate without light .
  • High initial costs that overshadow the low maintenance costs and lack of fuel costs.
  • Large area needed for large scale applications.
  • PV generates direct current special DC appliances or an inverter are needed.
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