what is finite automation? Give finite automation m accepting string (a,b)(b a a a)

Subject: Theory of Computer Science

Topic: Basic Concepts & Finite Automata

Difficulty: Medium

1 Answer

finite automation can be thought of as a severely restricted model of a computer

i) every computer has CPU. It executes program stored in memory. This program normally accept some input and delivered pressed result

ii) The word automata for automation. A system where energy and information are transferred and used for performing some functions with out direct involvement of men is called automation.

iii) A finite automata is also called as finite state machine

iv) A finite state machine is a mathematical model for actual physical process by considering the possible inputs on which these machines can work we can analyse their strength and weakness.

v)finite automata are used for solving several common types of computer algorithm

a) Design of digital circuits

b) string matching

c) communication protocols for information exchange

d) Lexical analyses of a typical compiler

R.E=$(a,b) \ast (baaa)$ represents string ending baaa

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