written 6.3 years ago by | modified 6.2 years ago by |
• In a small signal model, we can take a nonlinear circuit or device and make approximations which linearize it about an DC operating point.
• To do this, we write all voltages and currents as the sum of a DC value for each, plus a small extra amount which is the small signal.
• Consider the above circuit,
Input voltage is $vD(t)=VD+vd(t)$
• DC analysis: The purpose of DC analysis is to find the operating point of diode. To do DC analysis, turn off the small AC signal
The voltage $vD(t)=VDvD(t)=VD$
And the current $iD(t)=ID=ISexp(VDηvT)$
• When small AC signal is applied
Total Voltage across diode is $vD(t)=VD+vd(t)vD(t)=VD+vd(t)$
Total instantaneous current is $iD(t)=ISexp(VD+vd(t)ηvT)iD(t)=ISexp(VD+vd(t)ηvT)$
When $vd(t)\lt\ltηvTvd(t)\lt\ltηvT$ hence $(vd(t)ηvT\lt\lt1)(vd(t)ηvT\lt\lt1)$ therefore we can ignore powers of $vd(t)ηvTvd(t)ηvT$
Since $\frac{I_D}{_ηv_T }$ is a ratio of current and voltage hence we can replace it by resistance
Inverse of $IDηvT=ηvTID=rdIDηvT=ηvTID=rd$
• Small signal AC equivalent circuit is