written 6.2 years ago by |
Frame exchange protocol:-
. Source station transmits data
. Destination responds with acknowledgments (ACK)
.If sourced doesn't receive ACK, it re-transmits frame
Four frame exchange:
. Source issues request to send (RTS)
. Destination responds with clear to send (CTS)
. Source transmits data
. Destination responds with ACK
IEEE 802.11 considered 2 types of MAC algorithm:
- Distributed Access protocols
- Centralized Access protocols
End result for 802.11 MAC algorithm called DFWMAC
Distributed Co-ordination Function:
DCF makes use of simple CSMA algorithm
DCF does not include a collision detection function
T ensure smooth & fair functioning of this algorithm, DCF includes a set of delays that amounts to priority scheme.
If a station has MAC frame to transmit, it listens to the medium.
If the medium is idle station may transmit
Otherwise it must wait until current transmission is complete
- One of the main problem in wireless networks is the hidden station problem. The problem can be solved by using RTS-CTS mechanism.
RTS-CTS avoids the problem of hidden terminals: A and C want to send to B
a. A sends RTS first
b. C waits after receiving CTS from B
RTS-CTS avoids the problem of exposed terminals:
a. B wants to send to A, C to another terminal
b. now C does not have to wait for it cannot receive CTS