Explain what is meant by effective path length in connection with rain attenuation?

This question appears in Mumbai University > Satellite Communication and Network subject

Marks: 5 M

Year: Dec 2014

1 Answer

Once the specific attenuation is found, the total attenuation is determined as, $A=αL dB$

where L is the effective path length of the signal through the rain. Because the rain diversity is unlikely to be uniform over the actual path length, an effective path length must be used rather than the actual (geo-metric) length.

Here, $Ls -\gt$ Slant Height and it depends upon the antenna angle of elevation $θ$ and rain height. $hR ->$ Rain Height at which freezing occurs. $LG ->$ Horizontal projection of Ls

The effective path length is given in terms of slant length by,


Where rp is the reduction factor of percentage time p and LG and $Lg=Ls cos(EI)$

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