Features of GPSS.
1 Answer

The features of GPSS are as follows:

  • GPSS is a highly structured, special-purpose simulation programming language based on the process-interaction approach and oriented toward queuing systems.

  • GPSS can be used to model any situation where transactions (entities, customers, units of traffic) are flowing through a system (e.g., a network of queues, with the queues preceding scarce resources)

  • It is the first process-interaction simulation language.

  • It is a flexible, yet powerful tool for simulation.

  • GPSS/H includes built-in file and screen 1/0, use of an arithmetic expression as a block operand, an interactive debugger, faster execution, expanded control statements, ordinary variables and arrays, a floating point clock, built-in math functions, and built-in random-variate generators.

  • The animator for GPSS/H is Proof Animation, which provides a 2D animation.

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