Implement Excess 3 to BCD Code converter using NOR gates only
1 Answer
written 6.3 years ago by |
The excess-3 code can be converted back to BCD in the same manner.
Let A, B, C and D be the bits representing the binary numbers, where D is the LSB and A is the MSB, and Let w,x, and z be the bits representing the gray code of the binary numbers, where z is the LSB and w is the MSB.
The truth table for the conversion is given below. The X’s mark don’t care conditions.
The truth table of Excess 3 to BCD Code
$A = wx + wyz$
$B = \overline{x}\overline{y} + \overline{x}\overline{z} +xyz$
$C = y+y\overline{z}$
$D = \overline{z}$
The corresponding digital circuit -
Here $E_3, E_2, E_1, and E_0 $ corresponds to $w, x, y, and z $ and $B_3, B_2, B_1, and B_0 $ corresponds to $A, B, C, and D $
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