written 6.3 years ago by | • modified 5.5 years ago |
Following are the different types of security goals:-
1. Confidentiality
- Confidentiality is the most common aspect of information security. Confidentiality defined as the contents of a message are accessed only by intended person.
- Aim of Confidentiality is that only sender and his intended receiver should be able to access the contents of a message.
- Following are two important concepts regarding confidentiality
Data confidentiality: Assures that private or confidential information is not disclosed to unauthorized individuals.
Privacy: Assures that individuals control information related to them.
For example: In military application information from one higher authority is sending to another higher authority. During this transmission process when third unknown person is trying to get this confidential information which is not desired. This type of information leakage caused because of interception of third person. Here sender and receiver are unable to access the contents of message which causes loss of message confidentially. The attack threatening the confidentiality is traffic analysis. Because of interception occurred between sender of receiver, sender is losing message confidentially.
2. Integrity
- Principle of integrity states that contents of a message should not be modified until it reaches the authorize person.
- In this case change in the information need to be done only by authorized person and through authorized mechanisms only.
- Integrity gives assurance that data is received exactly as sent by an authorized entity.
- The attack threatening integrity are modification and masquerade.
- Following are two important concepts regarding integrity
Data integrity: Assures information is changed only in authorized manner.
System integrity: Assures that the system performs its intended function properly and free from unauthorized manipulation.
For Example: John wants to transfer an amount of Rs.500 into Mick’s account during this transmission process an attacker called Amy eves drop the conversation and modifies the actual amount of Rs.500/ and sends just Rs.50/ into Mick’s account. The case here is that contents of message get altered during transmission process. Such type of attack is called modification. In this case Integrity of original message is lost.
3. Availability
i. Principle of availability states that resources must be available to authorized users at all the time as and when required.
ii. The term resources may refer as confidential information, software and hardware components.
iii. For example: Information stored in bank, student’s information stored in universities, information stored on email accounts. All these information need to be available to all authorized users at any time as and when required.
Imagine the situation if all above information is not available to authorized users. There is only one attack which threatening principle of availability called denial of service attack. Availability assures that system works correctly and service is available to authorized users.
iv. Authentication provides a way of verifying the identity of the user. In other words, Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be.
v. The authentication of users prevents unauthorized users from gaining access to information systems.