Define System state, Event notice , Activity, Event list, Delay and Clock.

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Define the following:

- System state

- Event notice

- Activity

- Delay

- Clock

1 Answer

System state: A collection of variables that contain all the information necessary to describe the system at any time.

Event notice: A record of an event to occur at the current or some future time, along with any associated data necessary to execute the event; at a minimum, the record includes the event type and the event time.

Activity: A duration of time of specified length (e.g., a service time or inter arrival time), which is known when it begins (although it may be defined in terms of statistical distribution). E.g. an inter-arrival time, service time, lead time. An activity’s duration is specified by different ways namely, Deterministic, Statistical and functional depending on system variables and/or on entity attributes.

Event List : A list of event notices for future events, ordered by time of occurrence. It is also called as the future event list. (FEL).FEL is always ranked by the event time recorded in the event notice.

Delay: Duration of time of unspecified indefinite length, which is not known until it ends. Example: a customer’s delay in last in first out waiting line which, when it begins, depends on future arrivals. A delay’s duration is not specified by the modeler ahead of time. It is determined by the system condition. It is one of the desird outputs of the model to run.

Clock: The simulation must keep track of the current simulation time, in whatever measurement units are suitable for the system being modeled. In discrete-event simulations, as opposed to real-time simulations, time ‘hops’ because events are instantaneous – the clock skips to the next event start time as the simulation proceeds.

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