Explain Connectivity of pixel.
1 Answer

Basic Component of IP

The fig 1.1 represent the schematic block diagram of basic components or basic elements of an image processing system. There are total five elements or components of image processing system.

Image Acquisition

Image acquisition is the first step in any image processing system. The general aim of image acquisition is to transform an optical image into an array of numerical data which could be later manipulated on a computer. Image acquisition is achieved by suitable cameras.

We use different cameras for different applications. If we need X-ray image, we use a camera (film) that is sensitive to infrared radiation. For normal image, we use cameras which are sensitive to visual spectrum.

Image Storage

All image and video signal are essentially in analog form i.e. electrical signal convey luminance and color with continuous variable voltage. The cameras alt interfaced to computer where processing algorithms are written. This is done by N frame grabber card.

Image Processing

System ranging from microcomputers to general purpose large computers are used in image processing. Dedicated image processing system connected to host computers are very popular nowadays.

Processing of digital involve procedures that usually expressed in algorithmic form due to which most image processing functions are implemented in software.

Image Display

A display device produces and shows a visual form of numerical values stored in a computer as an image arrays. Principal display device are printers, TV monitors and CRTs.

Any erasable raster graphics display can be used as a display unit with an image processing system. However monochrome and color TV monitors are the principal display devices used in modern image processing system.

Image Transmission

There are a lot of application where we need to transmit images. The processed image or the image which is stored in the memory can be transferred from one device to another device either by using a wired medium or wireless medium. For a wired medium Ethernet cable or optical fiber cable are used whereas for wireless medium different wireless standard like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi can be used.

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