Explain Bandhara Irrigation
1 Answer
  1. Bandhara is a special type of irrigation scheme, between inundation type and permanent type irrigation.

  2. It is essentially a minor irrigation scheme wherein small streams which otherwise allow their flows to be wasted are dammed at the places by bandhara and canals are taken off from them for irrigation of small areas.

  3. A series of such dams or bandharas are constructed and water available in the monsoon is thus made use.

Advantages of Bandhara irrigation 1. The system of irrigation has low initial cost.

  1. Small quantities of water which would have otherwise gone waste is utilised to a maximum in this system.

  2. Length of canal and distribution system being small, seepage and evaporation losses are very less.

  3. The area to be irrigated being close to the source, it yields a high duty and intensive irrigation.

Disadvantages of Bandhara irrigation

  1. The irrigation area for one Bandhara is more or less fixed and, hence even if greater quantity of water is available for irrigation it goes waste.

  2. If the river is of non-perennial type, the supply of water becomes seasonal and unreliable in summer.

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