Define and describe Mashups. What are the primary reasons for the success of mashups?
1 Answer


  • Web mashups are used to design applications that run on the internet and combine a user’s data with the data and services provided by third parties in the form of open Application Programming interfaces(API's)
  • In simple term we can say like, “A mashup is a web application that uses content from more than one source to create a single new service displayed in a single graphical interface.”
  • Mashups are used to quickly create custom applications, which are created to serve specific purposes and have a short lifespan.
  • Mashups are created in a complex ecosystem that integrates data providers, mashup platforms, and users in an interconnected manner.
  • Most mashups are visual and interactive in nature.
  • To an user, a mashup should provide a richer, more interactive experience.
  • A mashup is also beneficial to developers because it requires less code, allowing for a quicker development cycle.
  • Google Maps API is a best mashup example, which is used to create maps for a certain location. We can combine the output of Google Maps API with other open APIs and data supplied by the user.

The reasons for success of mashup:

  • End users are activated as designers/ developers.
  • Popular API's including Google maps, Twitter, you-tube etc. attracts user.
  • Simplicity of copying helps everyone in reusing existing resources.
  • Enterprise can easily re-use their existing applications as a service for the mashing it up.
  • Mashups are 100% pure Software as a Service (SaaS) and require no installation, updates, plug-ins, admin rights, or anything but a garden variety Web browser and the mashup’s URL to run.
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